Featuring inspiration, interviews with creatives, and insights into interior decorating and collecting, Audra encourages you to live authentically and beautifully with art and exceptional objects.

Holiday decorating
Audra opens up the Art/artefact home to Homeworthy this year and shares her tips and favorite holiday decorating tips and traditions.

Our project with Irene Owens and Parvum Opus is New & Noteworthy for Frederic’s editors this December!

VINTAGE HOLIDAY: Lucia Zolea Collection
A dream photoshoot collaboration with dear friend and exceptional vintage dealer Lucia Zolea for her Holiday 2024 Collection shot at Art/artefact.

Step inside the studio of self-taught miniaturist Irene Owens, the painter behind The Artist’s Eye

FRAMING THE ARTIST’S EYE: Art/artefact x parvum opus
A dream collaboration with Erika Stefanutti of Parvum Opus to create the perfect display case for The Artist’s Eye.

Audra shares her favorite spots to eat, drink, and shop in California wine country developed over the four years she called San Francisco home.

EDITOR’S EYE: A Collector Makes the Napa Valley Home
For this art collecting couple, what was needed was an editor’s eye and spatial planning. Consulting on their home design was a delightful exercise in constraints with soaring results.

SUBSTANTIATING IDENTITY: Behind the Scenes of a Hospitality Art Commission 30 Years in the Making
Audra discusses her love of large-scale hospitality and corporate commissions, offering a behind-the-scenes look into her process.

STUDIO VISIT: Rosalind Tallmadge
Rosalind Tallmadge’s studio is an exercise in minimalism, providing the perfect environment to create category-defying, monumental artworks of maximal impact.

Vertigo, The Legion of Honor & Lavinia Fontana
This masterpiece takes place in San Francisco, and revisiting some of the sites featured in the film led me to discover a portrait that hasn’t been viewed for 400 years.

VERANDA: Mexico City Art Hop
As a former CDMX gallerist and founder of Art/artefact, which champions emerging and mid-career artists, Audra Kiewiet de Jonge knows a thing or two about spotting great art.

ROMA NORTE: Photo Essay
A collection of images that capture nostalgia— taken walking the streets of her former home, where she spent many wonderful hours ambling, observing, and enjoying the sights and sounds

STUDIO VISIT: Fabiola Menchelli
Fabiola Menchelli’s bodies of work uses traditional darkroom processes in a highly experimental, deeply physical and challenging personal engagement with the materials to feel-out landscapes and constructions in the dark.

PERFECT WEEKEND: Art & Design in Mexico City
“There’s Rome, there’s Paris, there’s New York City…and there’s Mexico City.” How does one craft a perfect weekend in Mexico City? With expert advice—for art and design lovers in this case—from insider Audra Kiewiet de Jonge.

Wishing to Live There…
Starting a new project, whether a room design with great art or a collection, with a few key questions that define where things just felt right.

SUMMER READING: Italian Journey
Goethe’s writing full of situational humor, the thrill of immersing yourself in someplace new, and humanizing existential questions that are as fresh and relevant today as they were nearly 250 years ago.

ANDREA FERRERO/Architectural Digestion x The Grand Tour
What better way to honor the shift to a season of travel than to contemplate the history of travel for pleasure via The Grand Tour, our place on the journey, and the legacy of geo-political constructions of civilization in the edible ruins of Andrea Ferrero?

On the Artist’s Eye: “I wanted the active female gaze to be seen as something beautiful.” - Audra Kiewiet de Jonge

Collecting photography is a thrilling process of engagement with the boundaries of representation and the science of the medium. Audra shares a few of her favorites across the 200+ year history.

On flexing your taste muscle and breaking the taboo about money.